Chapter 4.5: Just so everyone knows i'm still writing this thing.

Jun 15, 2004 15:59

Fully clothed and unrested, Jirke sat up out of his backpack and examined Tankur's bound and sleeping body. Jirke still couldn't help giggling at the sight of Tankur's protective wear, and couldn't really say why. It was absolutely hideous, and looked heavy and hot. It was all kinds of colors, and colors that didn't really match each other at all. Shoulderpads were a sickly green, with orange chain mail with a green spot on one arm, the other with the same design but with a pink sleeve and a blue dot. The actual body plate was bright red, the red of the fresh blood now drying in tiny little lakes around the camp. Continuing down from the armor, the legs were a ridiculous shade of sky blue, and the kneepads were an off-white. Tankur was just wearing boots, which is the most normal thing about his wear.
"Even his hair is ridiculous," Jirke mentions to Petal and her father. "He looks like a clown with the way it sticks out everywhere and is that...really WEIRD shade of blue." The girl giggles and tries to nuzzle her way closer to him, although at this point there's not much room for advancement. Jirke gently peels her off of himself while making a face, and stands up, reaching into his backpack and pulling out the rest of his clothing. As he pulled on his shirt he tells the man, "Don't worry about Bozo over there. I don't think he'll wake up for a little while right now. We can just pack him up and move him over to the next town we come across...right?"
Jirke faltered at the end because of the attitudes of Petal and her father's dramatic change at the mention of the next town. "...What?"
Petal looked down at the ground and mumbled something. Jirke didn't manage to catch it. He moved in and asked "Huh?"
Jirke was able to catch her whisper, "This next town is haunted by ghosts...including the ghost of my mother...She was killed there by a band of brigands." Jirke's face lit up by the end of her sentence. He was beaming, and the grin he had on now was fit to split his head open. "Ghosts AND bandits in the same town?! What luck! Why are all of these ghosts and brigands snooping around about?"
"Well...I think there's some sort of...Thing the Bandits are always looking for...I don't know anymore."
"WHOO! What are we waiting for? Let's get over there!"
Jirke tossed Tankur's limp body into the carriage and picked up all of the rest of the family [all save the son, who tended to stay as far away from Jirke as possible. He sat everyone down and prepared to go, bouncing his knees the whole way. The trip took a couple more days, with little trouble, that little trouble being when Tankur woke up.

"What the HELL?!" Frying pan met forehead again. They were becoming good freinds.
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