Bormmy Wrote this to me a few days ago.

Dec 12, 2004 07:00

To my loveing mate,

A friend of mine wrote some of these to me..and i wrote back..but after some thought...i realised i needed to do this as well for you, not just for the sake of doing it, but because of its meaning and simply put, to make you smile.
You know love, i always think about and worry about you...when your here, when your away, even when were only seperated by a single wall...i worry if your your feeling and what your thinking....your always in my mind, even now i look back behind me and smile, seeing you sleeping away, i cant help by smile, your beutiful, wonderful and amazeing, and i care deeply for you and would give you the world if i could..well.not really..the world sucks ; P id give you a better world! and i would be there with you, always.
I know im not as much of a lover as you would like....and i am truely sorry... i dont know why i am like this...but i do feel terribly about it when your wants and needs go unheeded...i wish i could change that about myself..and im trying, but it doesnt work well....we may not get along perfectly..but hardly anyone does....we rushed into this with blinders on..without looking both ways or seeing how things would go...ill admit i was worried and fearful on how our relationship would turn out, but i can honestly tell you now i have never regreted a single moment of it and i look forward to a lifetime of new moments to share with you. and we shall make each of them precious with our love for eachother.
I dont know if you were watching, but i was watching you earlier..when you were outside, danceing in the back yard..enjoying the weather...the only thing i could think of is how amazeing and full of life you were...andi truely hope your happy with me, as i am with you....i know im not in the best of health...whenever i do it tomarrow of 50 years from now, i want you to look for someone else than can make you happy...i dont want you to spend your time alone, mopeing for someone no longer on this plane...and, if our love ever does grow weak and we split know ill still be here for you as the best friend i can possibly be...and ii will still watch over and protect you to the best of my abilities...
My love, i promise you, that ill always be here for you, and do my best to ensure your safety and happieness, because when i see you smile, it truely warms my heart.
I promise to always listen to you when you feel sad..or happy. or any other emotion...ill always listen love...even when it looks like im not..or if i didnt hear you, im really trying..and you always...ALWAYS have a shoulder to cry on with me.
I promise to awlays try to make you happy, to make you smile and feel joyful, because when your happy and laughing...its the sweetest sound in the world to me and nothing has ever made me happier.
I promise to always hold you close, hug you and kiss you whenever you want it, and even when you dont, to make you feel loved and safe in my arms. because you truely are, as long as i have the strength to doso.
I promise to always do my best to pleasure never just do it for the sake of doing it..when i try to pleasure you love..i put my heart and soul into try to make you feel as good as get your release and smile down at you as you bask in afterglow....
And finnally, i promise i will always and forever love you, no matter how our bonds may grow or break and no matter how close or far apart we are..ill always love you in my heart, because ive never felt this way about anyone else before.
You are my one and only, my sweet and my precious, ill gaurd you as the most important part of my hoard and the most important person in my life..i know i get grumpy sometimes..and i dont always come get you from work or whatnot...but it never means i dont love you, because i really and truely do..and ill always try to make you absolutely joyful. Im overjoyed that we met and, even given the circumstances, id gladly go through it a thousand times if it means id get you, your worth more than anything in the world to me, never forget that.
I love you, always and forever, my precious matter what your form is.
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