1. If you stumbled here, welcome!
2. If you adore My Chemical Romance as much as I do, then add me.
They're the ONLY reason why I registered at LJ.
3. Racists and rude people are not welcomed here.
Go away, fly a kite, take-up sewing or whatever.
4. Chances are, I'm not gonna update this LJ journal, coz I have my own blog to take care of.
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PS: I think you are the one who submitted the scans of Galaxie to TIP, aight? I've just gave Anna the cover i think, in the last couple of weeks.
0_0.How do you know I was the one that submitted the scans of Galaxie?.yup,that's me who submit it.Oh and I have no clue that it made into that TIP site coz the last time I checked,I didn't see that scans.hehe.
Plenty of other cool aunties there. And yup, some of them are older and crazier than me! We love the guys as much as you kids do, and hehe... we write better slashes :P
About the scan, I saw the name Lizzie there, and since the mag is from Malaysia, I just assumed that you're that person. I'm starting to go pokai here. :( I just can't resist buying every mag that's got MCR in it!!!
PS: Who's ur fave? Frank is it?
Haha owh.I should've include my LJ username as well just to avoid confusion.Eeeek! me too.:(.I need to save up this time.These days,MCR are all over Kerrang and NME magazines which cant be found at my place.:(.
Yeah,Frank's my fav.:).I assume that Frank's your fav too?
P/S; auntie,can i have your hp number?.haha i know it may sound weird that Im asking for your number.maybe we can text message sometimes when you're not busy.it's alright and i understand if you cant give it out.:).
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