Why Did I Bother

Feb 14, 2011 09:12

I keep asking myself why I bothered to go on a site which will remain nameless (hint it was a popular soap opera site)....I was under another screen name and I admit I made snarky remarks about different soaps and the actors but it was all in fun, so I thought....The next thing ya know my remarks which were no worst than others are being deleted and I get a warning....Than the next thing ya know I've been banned for life...for life folks (like soaps will continue to be on in my lifetime) because I have too many screen names....when I tell the moderator that I only have one screen name, which I did, I'm given a list of screen names that I'm supposed to have used...I have trouble remembering one screen name so I don't know how I was suppose to have come up with the seven + screen names + with passwords included, I even ask the moderator what was suppose to be the purpose of doing this... the answer was too stupid to waste writing. Oh well, I guess I will giggle at my ban for life and remember that you have to tow the line on criticism on some sites!
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