Jan 08, 2006 03:43
2 days past
it was good
doing it again for sure
alone, again.
i lost myself for 4 hours. what came out, 100 pages of thoughts and pictures.
it was as if i didnt even have to try, i just traced what i saw on paper, from my mind.
the cid.
my trinity has been the talk of the 561. i got it like that.
im ready for my ears to have plugs. nice white plugs. hurra
mississippi soon tuesdee or wednesdee
my niggas
my niggas some more
more arden too.
its just gonna be good to be back on the coast again for a bit.
man my head is crazy about right now.
you dont think
you just assume
whos ever seen
that other side of you.
a few neat things are coming in the mail, i got off ebay.
im making the corner where my computer is and my turntables into the coolest place ever.
scene of changery
things are different
but much more clear
my head is clouded
my mind is numb
aspects of physics here
i give my self a reason to live
a reson i cant find in you
marginalized information forms one- ping