Oct 02, 2005 01:28
Whose your favorite actress? natalie portman, ut only cause she's hot
Favorite actor? Al Pacino
Of your friends who is the most innocent? I'd say Al
The best at giving advice? Cait
The most easy going? Cait again
The most wise? Myself
The most outspoken? Laura D
Of your friends who has the sexiest voice? Lex
The most confidence? Laura
The most appeal to the opposite sex? Lex
What's your favorite Greek myth? mmm, Icarus... the sun flyer guy
What cartoons did you watch growing up? not many, always thought cartoons were kind of dum
What food can you absolutely not stand? pancakes actually
What none human attribute would you like to have (a tail, wings fangs etc)? wings, oviously
What zodiac sign do you most strongly identify with? uhh, mine's aquarius
Have you ever seen a UFO? no
How about ghosts? no
Do you have premonitions that are correct? sure, lol
What do you do for a living? marching and
Are you clumsy? not really
Are you afraid of clowns, dolls, or puppets? nope
Are you a packrat? yup
What's the most thoughtful gift you've ever recieved? prolly my anniversary ook from lex
What words do other people most frequently use when describing you? smart, nice, thoughtful, arrogant, egotistical
What do you wish you had more of? free time
Do you go to yardsales? not really, no
What do you think happens when we die? I think it's a waste of time to think aout it
Do you donate to charity? as often as I can
Are you frequently misunderstood? nope, i'm pretty clear usually
What's your favorite dog breed? don't like dogs
What would the message of your ideal fortune cookie be? you will one day e supreme ruler of the universe
Are you spontaneous? not particularly
Have you ever had your fortune read? not for money, like seriously
Who do you have the most in common with of all the people you know? Josh
Were you ever attacked by an animal? mmm, no ut i wish a penguin would attack me
What's your most treasured possession? piggy ear
What's your favorite candy? gostoppers
Do you always stop in petstore when you go to the mall? um, no
Which one of your friends do you suspect isn't really human? snags
What are they? a ald protoss
Do you do your own laundry? hell no
What can change the nature of a man? a woman
Have you ever had an operation? yeah, i had my tonsils removed
If so what kind? just said that
How do you think you'll die? mmmm, something fun... like when i'm 100 and on my death ed, i'll just freefall out of a plane or something
What's your best sense? intuition (numer 6)
What's your worst sense? numer 4
If your friends were characters who would they be? ewoks
Do you have mostly good or bad luck? good
What strange assumption do people frequently make of you? that i'm arrogant, ut they're right
Do you wear jewelry? nope, not since sophomore year in high school, lol
Where did you recieve your first kiss? Megan's ed
Has anyone ever been obssessed with you? you mean esides myself
What magical power would you like to have? well let's see, first I could make money, like out of thin air so i'd have unlimited, then i would have natural footall talent so I could e an nfl quarterack, plus i'd e ale to fly, which would help the whole quarterack thing
What's your favorite day of the week? Saturday
What's worse people who try too hard or don't try at all? dont try at all, (plus nance)
How many meals do you eat everyday? 1.7
Have you ever taken a foreign language? yea ut all i learned was hola
If so what? holaish
What's your worst fashion crime? those lue shoes i wore like forever
How old do you think you'll be when you die? 101
What animal is the zoo do you usually look forward to seeing the most? PPPEEEnnnnGGGGUUUUIIInnnnSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
Whose your favorite author? James Patterson
Favorite poet? Roert Frost
Sum yourself up in a song lyric And the colors mix together (i don't know how that's supposed to e aout me, ut oh well)
What's your favorite quote? Great spirits have always found violent oposition from mediocrity. The latter cannot stand it when a man does not thoughtlessly sumit to hereditary prejudices ut honestly and courageously uses his intelligence
What are your addictions/obssessions? lex, red sox, video games, poker, footall
Whose life would you like to see made in to a movie? dave
Do people tend change under your influence? not really
What kind of learner are you? auditory
Are you impatient waiting in lines? nope, impatience just makes the whole thing worse
Do you take the stairs or the elevator? stairs usually
Do you circle the parking lot until you find a good spot? yup :)
What's something you'd really like to learn to do? sing and dance
Baths or showers? hmmm, toss up
Favorite flavor of icecream? Soret
What are you wearing? a shitty t-shirt and my DCI warm up pants
If you were a videogame character who would you be? pikachu
What was the last compliment you recieved? nice jo on tonights performance
What celebrity do you look the most like? tom cruise
What size do you wear? shoes 9.5, pants 30/30, shirts M
Who would you choose to be stranded on a desert island with? Josh (cause lex would kill me in the first 4 days, lol :-D)
In an elevator? lex :-P
Do you like your friends good, bad, or neutral? good
What's your best sport? golf
How many hours of sleep do you require everynight? at least 8
What are your hobbies? video games, poker, sports
What feature of yours do people comment on the most? intelligence
Have you ever had a rumor spread about you? not so much
If so what was it?
What would you like your last words to be? aw crap
What's your favorite childhood story? i dunno, prolly some ernstein ears ook
Have you ever washed someone's hair (kids and pets don't count :-P)? sure :)
What are you thinking right now? i hope i win this poker tournament
Have you ever been dirty-dancing? na
If not would you like to try it? sure :)
Are you more masochisitic or sadistic? uuuuuhhhhhh... i don't really know those words
Of the people you know who would make the best seductress or seductor? lex, lol, it worked on me :)