Mother's Day

May 07, 2004 06:52

Well, I did a total of about 25 entries on opendiary before I gave up on that one, so lets see how this one goes. Today is mother's day and it has been rather uneventful so far. I had to be up for nine to go to an Elk's club breakfast with my grandparents. There wasn't much I could eat but it was nice seeing them since I don't see my Dad's parents more than three of four times a year. Both my aunt's and uncle's came over for the afternoon but Zeke had to work and Laura was still at school which was pretty boring for us kids so it's kind of just been a day of relaxation. I haven't had mom do anything for me yet today so I'm pretty proud of that. The red sox are losing right now so that's a negative. I'm chilling at home till about 8 then watching survivor with the family although Mom had to go to the hospital with my Nana (she's having trouble swallowing) so I don't know if she'll be there which would really suck. I hope Nana feels better too, although it doesn't seem really serious. So after survivor I'm gonna had back to school and then I'll finally get to see Alexis. I can't wait!!! She came to Killingly last night and it was really nice just hanging out with her... Oh yeah... so work yesterday was REAL interesting... so i get back from lunch and drive the little Kubota tractor out to the field which took like 12 minutes. I got 3/4 of the way there and it died cause I forgot to fill the tank with gas before I left... So i found Eric and rode on his tractor back to the house to get more gas and I put the gas nozzle up to the pouring part of the gas can and not the filling part and wondered why it was spilling out the sides prompting Eric to call me "The worst farmer ever" So I got out to the field and i was mowing this real hard rocky field and I went down this row which started straight and then became a sidehill... I thought I could make the side hill and the tractor slowly started to tip over so I was like aww shit, and I walked off and watched it crass to the ground... Then I was like crap so I found Eric and we tried to lift it but we couldn't so we went back to the house with stupid faces on and our boss had to come help us. Fortunately we were able to right it and it didn't have any damage. So I just went home after that. I came home and watched Zeke leave for prom. He looked so good and he had a good time so I was happy!!! So Lex and I chilled and watched the friends finale and we tried to get powerball tickets but it didn't work :(, cause we got there to late. I still don't know if anyone won, ah well... So that's about it for now, I'm off to go watch the rest of the Red Sox game... Only 2 weeks of school left thank god!!!!!!!
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