May 06, 2003 16:42
I woke up today and remembered that I had to take a quiz this morning from my previous absences. So right there I decided I was going to be in a shitty mood all day. I don't understand why I do that but, it must have to do with my negative approach towards EVERYTHING.
SOOOO I took the quiz and recieved a twenty-seven point five, out of thirty-two. "Not bad." said the teacher. Of cousre I was less enthusiastic about this grade since last symester she neglected to tell me about a test that I had not taken...FUCKKKKKKKKK, senora assface.
I had a bad day in my photography class too, I totally think that I'm more of a digital person...because I definitely can't work with all of this time and chemical shit. My pictures were so bad-ass but we totally fucked up the negative development and my whole roll came out pretty much black...just enough to show me what AWESOME PICTURES I COULD HAVE HAD. The one of two pictures that I tried to enlarge (two that had not been ruined) came out soooo bad, because I took it before I actually knew how to use the major shadows and MAJOR CONTRAST, and that is definitely no good. Maybe I'll just take another roll tonight and start over with EVERYTHING tomorrow. So now I'm REALLY thinking today is going to suck.
Then I realized I just didn't give a rat's patutie, and decided that I'd try to make the best of I made funny faces at lunch and ate food and then I got picked up early. NOW I'm happy, and if you fucking ruin that I'll seriously stick stuff in your ears...BIG STUFF.
Oh yeah and I went to the dentist...I like the dentist, because they make my smile go "Bling Bling."