Well...It's been quite a long time since I've updated. But I AM NOW. So much has happened that I could have written about, for example; the christmas trip to texas, the break up, the friendships, the troubles, and the reunion...and oh yeah...MY FISH.
Although I would like to indulge on the past, I fear that it might bring tears to my eyes. But anyways I'm talking to Mariko on el telefono at the moment and I'm not paying any attention whatsoever, even though that I would like to be. So I need to make this short.
About a week ago we had a blizzard in doylestown, it was said to be compared to the blizzard of '96. HOLY SHIT, that was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. About eighteen inches of snow fell and It was sooooo pretty...until the plows came and turned it to a slushy world of...slush?
Before I left for texas I applied for the governors school for theatre. I sent in a video of a monologue and I guess they liked it because I got into the finals or whateva, so now I have to go memorize the second monologue...but sorry about the lack of updates. I plan on writing more often. *Kiss Kiss*