Aug 11, 2005 21:39
I've been working on a coffee-table book or maybe a pamphlet of some sort called "Don't be that guy."
Some examples:
The sweaty guy with the Tiger Woods hat who is scary-good at flipping his pen through his fingers.
The red-haired high school quarterback who sings in Jazz Choir and has a fingernail clipping schedule,
The hispanic kid who has a Betty Boop tattoo, and always wants to arm wrestle.
The Asian guy who is always stretching his arms to the ceiling so you can see how cool his new KISS belt buckle is.
The Jehova's Witness burnout with the straw hat and Gun's n Roses tank top who hangs out at Gameworks and takes pleasure in creaming kids between the ages of 11-13 at Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter II.
The white guy with bi-focals who wears FUBU-shoplifting-shorts and bow-leggedly struts through the Lego section of Toys'R'us in his signed Ray Allen Jersey.
The Fred Durst look-alike who has to replace his entire WALMART patio furniture because he broke the back legs off of each chair while head-banging and lip-syncing to Metallica's "Enter Sandman" through a light menthol ciggy, which hangs un-ashed over his favorite issue of Maxim.
Any ideas?