Honey, I'm ho-- What the hell? TIP's shut down and fans are up in arms?
Man, skip your FL for a week and fandom go splodey. At least it looks like everything's died down for now. I really dislike this elitist vs. casual fan crap. You know what you are? A Fanatic. Right? Don't try to deny it - you know you'd drop trou right then and there if your favorite seito told you to. ;) So there. Fanatics, the whole lotta ya and that's what makes this fandom fun - both the criticism and the appreciation.
Anyway, enough people have posted on this topic.
So: Footage of Touko's retirement parade thing (I'm sure there's a name for that)
here. I can't believe she's already got something lined up! Sneaky, Touko. Very sneaky. 'Course we love you even more for it.