Sep 12, 2003 23:50
firstly: can I just say that the Bike Messenger World Championship opening ceremonies FUCKING ROCKED... even thought I bailed at what 11:45? I made the >7 mile opening ride, even though I was breaking down James at the back of the cluster with the fixies... I did'nt do too bad for a guy that's only been riding for a week or two.
The order of events that I was able to outlast:
- Opening ride = 7+ miles (or that's what they quoted at the beginning... although with all those hills it could have been 2 miles and would have still felt like 50)
- Walking to the convenience store only to find out that all the PBR was gone, which resulted in the purchase of a 6 pack of Tecate for 7 bucks (the last of my cash on hand for the weekend)
- watching the bunny-hop "competition"... I say it like that cause I'm pretty sure that the only way you were disqualified was by opting out or by breaking the bunny-hop bar with your bike
- Heading inside C.W. to discover that the were selling PBR cans for $1 a piece with basically no line and a seemingly endless supply (they're the main sponsor of the whole deal). In the end it would have saved me money and some definite shoulder pain had I been patient and trusting enough in the messenger communities hookups...
- Drinking far too much and watching the Fucking Cha Chi's play for what was a majorly disappointing audience for the magnitude of people at the event
- Watching the fixies compete for most revolutions ridden backwards inside C.W. I sure do wish that girl would have won...
- Starting to watch The Undisputed play and deciding (after realizing that I'd bagged on plan to hang out in Sasqutch with some cute girls) that it was best to head home because I was'nt sure how many more drinks I could stand before I would'nt be able to walk my ass home
ah and now here I am safely in the quite, closed, cafe typing away and trying not to seem as drunk as I actually am. Fucking LiveJournal, sometimes I feel like this virtual world is robbing me of precious hours of sleep.
g'night ladies and gents