Today along with this week sucks

Nov 29, 2005 21:31

Today was the day from hell. I got to have two 30 min naps and that is all i got. This is since 6 am on Mon. I then found out i missed a quiz on tuesday. Learned the whole central nervous system last night to only make a 78 on my exam b/c im stupid. I stayed up all night and only made a 78. I have two papers and a project due tommorrow. Oh and the spanish project i got reminded of. Then a test on stuff i dont know on thurs. and a speech due fri. Then next week on mon. i have a paper due and a lab practical that i have to do good on considering the fact that i failed the other two of them. I want to thank srah for being supportive of me staying up all this time. I will prolly be up the rest of this night doing a retarded paper on somethign that im pretty sure isnt right but its better than nothing. And then a spanish project and will just have to try and do the project tommorrow. Talked to kate A. hoping that maybe she would be nice and help cheer me up errrgh big WRONG. that didnt work out at all. i have had a fever since 5 just threw up and the night hasnt even begun. So i am running off of full throttle and thats it along with w/e will power i have. Hopefully i'll b better on fri. so i can go to charlotte. So for all those out there the central nervous system is retarded along with the brain. I am stupid for not doing better than a 78 on it. Am ready to give up on all this shit but i cant and i wont. Will prolly end up really sick being a nursing major i know that stress and lack of sleep arent the nicest things on ur immune system. With evyer1 else up here for the most part with strep the flu of respirtory infections it doenst look good. Maybe i can pull out one of these crazy zach things where i pull through but idk this is the first time i have ever been worried about not getting stuff done. this is the first time that school is kicking my ass.
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