two poems...transcribed as they appear in pocket-sized memo pad they were written in

Feb 21, 2014 06:16


white paint
            peeling off redbrick
top three stories
            neglected by urban renewal
snow mounds
            splattered city brown
            slick with melt

while in this café
            a man talks to himself
drowned by hum
            of espresso machine
and fat
            chewed by four people
                        years combined sub eighty
            behind the counter
            for another


sun shines over the
old bank now full
of fish and research vaults

seven withered wreaths
laced with burnt out lights
fucking iron gates
wrought 1825
beribboned in red
bows hanging heads
like sunflowers weeping
in gardens of concrete
and stuck breathing toxic
tobacco smoke fumes
from exhaust pipe heads

and the sun climbs
bathing all in
snow-melting light
aloof and uncaring
of the man in sunglasses
and illuminating auburn of
Turkic girl’s bun

she’s pretty and sits
eating yogurt
from chipped ceramic
bowl with teaspoon
held adroitly in
thick peasant hands
untouched by toil
milk white
in the sun they
untie her bun
spilling heavy hair
down to the seat
of the chair

the clicking
of the spoon
moist with her saliva
in her bowl
measures my time
in rhythmic tocks
and ticks of
on glazed
and fired

2.20.2014, 11:00-11:47am, Union & Purchase Sts., New Bedford, MA
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