As Oos is somewhat busy right now...

Feb 19, 2007 15:28

Joly: o__0 So this is the internet. It's a scary place. D:

Feuilly: ...don't play dumb, Joly, you've been on the internet before.

Joly: Not on Oos's LiveJournal!

Feuilly: ...yes you *have*. Remember barricade day?

Joly: ....QUIET, YOU! ; ;

Joshua: Oh god what have I goteen myself into?! *headwall* *headwall*

Hyouta: JOSHUA! >___> I think maybe that's going to stop. Why are you so bitchy all the time? Did Odamaki-hakase leave a dildo in your ass or something?

Joshua: You just want to think that because it makes you hot, dumbass.



Hyouta: ROOOOOOOCKS! ^____________^ *does the 'OMG ROCKS!!!11 dance'*

Tougan: That's my boy. STEEEEEL. *frolic!*

Joshua: Case = rested.

Hyouta: That's not faaaair!

Combeferre: Did someone mention my name?

Joly: I think he said 'fair', not 'Ferre'.

Combeferre: Aw, shit.

Toshiki: *flailpoints at Ferre* JOSHUUUU! O___O SOMEONE CLONED YOU AND DYED YOUR HAIR BROWN! ;0;

Combeferre: ...little green-haired short person. Stop pointing at me.

Feuilly: Oh, be nice to the shorter citizens.

Joshua: And that's not me. That's someone from another reality, one that I have absolutely no part in and am PROUD OF IT. You guys dress like you're from the 19th century or something.

Joly, Ferre, Feuilly: WE ARE.

Hyouta: Pwned!!!111

Joshua: best make sure that hardhat is on very tightly, never know when expensive lab equipment can come flying out of nowhere and shoot to kill.

Combeferre: *perk* Lab equipment? You have a lab? :3

Joshua: I'm a lab assistant, kid.

Combeferre: ...kid? I'm older than you.

Eiji: You look the same age.


Feuilly: ...I'm asking Mamselle Oos to URL block from now on.

Combeferre: ;0; I thought you were a kind little orphan.

Feuilly: Bite me.

Joshua: wanted to see my lab? ;D *goes into his lab and beckons*

Combeferre: .....X33 *follows*

Eiji: realize that your lab has a window, Joshuu?

Feuilly: *looks through window*....oh my. *nosebleed*

Joly: ...! They're spilling chemicals all over the desk! Those had better be stable!

Hyouta: You do know Joshuu wants to take over the world, right?

Joly: .....o___o Kay?

Hyouta: Can you take over the world with weapons made of stable chemicals?

Joshua's Lab: *KABOOOOM*

Joly: O______________O!!!!!1

Joshua: *staggers out covered in soot* ....whoooooooo! That was hawt.

Combeferre: *does the same* Now THAT'S a quickie.

Feuilly: *passes out from nose-blood loss*

Eiji: ....-__- Okay, Venomoth, come out and use Sweet Scent. *sends Venomoth out*

Venomoth: ^___^ Moth.*sweet scent'd!*

Feuilly: *o* I smell Polaaaaand.

Eiji: ............o___o Venomoth, I think you're broken.

Venomoth: ^^;; Veno, veno moth.

Eiji: ....return, Venomoth. -__-

Venomoth: ; ; *returns*

Hyouta: So....when's Oos gonna be unbusy?

Toshiki: *shrug* ....anyone wanna play nude Twister?

Tougan: OH, ME. :D :D :D :D

Joshua: .....oh lordy.

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