One of the few good things about my job is the fact that it can be done from home. So at the beginning of the year, I started making the necessary preparations to do just that. After taking my laptop to work, loading it up with the necessary software and codecs and what-have-yous, and doing several calls from the office on the laptop over the VPN, I felt totally ready to take this job home. Of course, my boss says that she wants people to "ease into it", working remotely two days a week for a few months (?!?), then three for a few months, then four, until we all feel I'm ready. I told her that I had been doing my job basically remotely from my desk for weeks, so that in case I needed to I could immediately switch over to the work network and quickly recover (never needed to), but she didn't seem to hear. So I kind of started working from home without telling her. I'm now on my third day this week and so far she either hasn't noticed or hasn't cared. Whatevs, I'm working from home. Much more comfortable.
Which brings me to the real reason I wanted to spend more time at home: Britteny and I are having a baby this summer, due in mid-July. We're both thrilled and scared and excited and everything else that first-time expectant parents are, but mostly very very happy. Both Britt and baby are doing fine; it's been an easier ride pregnancy-wise than she was expecting. The last ultrasound seemed to indicate that it will be a girl, but she wasn't giving the technician a clear enough view to be 100% on it. We'll hopefully find out for sure in four more weeks.