Having forgotten anything to sing

Dec 31, 2010 02:55

I haven't written anything in some time. My landlord is a poet. Or at the very least he used poetry to get into real estate. Either way, I haven't written in a long time and there's no use trying to describe all the beautiful heartbreak I endure moment to moment.

I long for newness. I long for a new beginning. Already I can feel the hum druym of my life chasing me down in the midst of the best parties ever to walk the earth.

It's not that I miss Erika, but there's a part of me floating around in the world somewhere between Maryland and Virginia and the rest of me is circumspect.

I am living the Great Gatsby, not re-reading it this time. For the first time in my life I am motivated to make money. My sexuality is a kind of curse, tying me to desire and pain.

Would that a hundred cocoanuts fell simultaneously on my head; I want to stay in Florida for a little longer to see what can be seen, for pride's sake.
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