Oct 24, 2005 20:07
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 4 questions. Any 4, no matter how personal, dirty, private, or random. I have to answer them honestly. In turn, you have to post this message in your own journal, and you have to answer the questions that are asked of you.
Ask away!
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2. Who, in the entire world (of Earth) is your favourite Cricketer?
3. Out of every holiday you can think of, which is your favourite, 'n why?
4. For no particular reason, other than amusement: what do you prefer, blondes or brunette?
2. Erm ... before we came to Atlantis I had never met anyone who had played cricket before so, by default, you.
3. I like Halloween. Free candy, fun costumes, a vague vibe of spookiness - what's not to like about it?
4. I'm guessing it'd be cheating to say dirty blondes, huh? Uh, well, it's not that I hold any stock in the blonde stereotype or anything, but I've dated some really great brunettes. But really it doesn't matter to me that much.
So I nicked it from that quiz thing. The one that stalks everybody.
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