Welcome to Nowhere Fast

Apr 17, 2007 15:15

32 people murdered, slain, there life taken away without hesitation or reason. When I heard the news of the Virgina Tech massacre I was truly shocked and horrifed. I could still barely even fathom or contemplate a massacre such as this taking place on my campus 32 of my friends, classmates, or even family members taken from me with no justifcation. As I watch MSNBC and CNN right now the whole nightmare seems surreal to me. I can not imagine what it takes for people to be capabale of such gruesome crimes. I respect with a great admiration, the VT students that have been interviewed, the students with the tales of heroism in that desperate situation. These students have been so well-collected and composed throughout the day. I cannot see myself being so composed as they were. This event has brought a new sense of anger and a need to act within myself. I have always considered myself a liberal and an independent, free from any political party. I have decided that very soon I will start becoming more of an activist and do what I can for the fight for justice and political purity. I am angry that our country does not have stricter gun laws, and it also makes me angry that 33 people are probably dying each day in Iraq for, I belive, all the wrong reasons. My current personal life situation has never been more complete, never more positive. This massacre has again reminded me how fortunate I am to be where I am. I will be doing everything I can to inform myself on all the major political issues facing us today and then I will do what I can to make a positive impact in each issue I can.

This is the greatest country in the world, I can not feel more blessed to have lived in this country my entire life, yet we are also the most powerful and influencial country in the world, and right now that power and responsibility is being heavily abused and misued by all politicians both democrats and republicans. A revolution(non-violent) is needed.

Now back to my usual self-centered crap......

I had another great weekend, my main band should be hitting the studio shorty so exepct a demo soon!(Maybe I can use my music as a political platform?! After all I am sure you are tired of my whiny broken heart lyrics!). I got to hang out with jason which is nice because he is in Fullerton most of the time. I am going to meet the members of my newest band this weekend, that should be fun. I had a bad poker tournament though, I had pocket queens cracked 2 times followed by pocket Aces getting cracked, sometimes it just doenst go your way, I put my chips in the middle with the best hand all 3 times, there is nothing more I can do.

School is going good but I can feel crunch time approaching again just like mid-terms.

I have love for all who read and I wish you a pleasnt life!

Music of the day - Bob Dylan - We need more bands to sing about the issues he sang and still sings about
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