first of all, im too lazy so push the shift button. (it's stucked. this keyboard sucked. and im too lazy to replace it too)so bear with it. :P
recent naruto chapters:
oh my... i think tsunade is too much keen on the role of being naruto's self-proclaimed grandma. either that or kishimoto just want to build the drama. (which in my opinion is real reason behind) naruto has experienced a SHITLOAD of things already without anyone giving a flying fuck about it and i think they dont need to treat him like that when he's already fifteen. (too late for that granny, too late for that)
oh well. you cant really help it when there are people that worries a lot around you. its not naruto's fault to be around these people, nor its tsunade's fault for caring like that to naruto.
what and when was it again that the third had made everybody swear not to tell the new generation about the kyuubi incident? i kind of forgot the details. but the consequence of it could be that naruto would never know who his parents are. sad. but im still hoping that if they would let someone from the new generation know, i think naruto has the right to know everything since he's the one directly involved in the whole incident. if mizuki had not revealed it to him once, every konoha teenagers would not know about it, probably ever.
sasuke however is a sheltered child until the clan that is sheltering him died. then the rest were just lies and deceit. (unlike naruto who is exposed to the cruel world since the beginning) but in a way, his elder brother is still sheltering him from everything. he kept him from the reality of the deal between uchiha's and konohas. that they are not the elite and honorable clan that the civilians know of them after all. (oohhh, discrimination from the government!) and that flashback about naruto and itachi's conversation... it made me realize that he might have anticipated that sasuke might believe what tobi said. after all, a genius should look at all angles as possible. with someone with such a heavy burden like him should. naruto is probably some kind of a plan B to Itachi.
itachi wanted to shape sasuke into something that he think fits him. too bad the boy does not want to have any of that. poor nii-san. maybe in his eyes, it would be better if sasuke had just went on with his plan.
the word "shiro no sasuke" comes to mind, ahahahah.
shiro=white white=sybolizes purity. lol.
Ah, Senrei-chan, i wanted to give you something, since you're being nice and agreeing on betain the Reincarnation prequels, i've decided to make a fanart for you. ah, thank goodness i havent lost my touch after an eternity of not drawing narusasu. though... i should have made a KakaSasu instead hmm... ow well. (ah, thanks for the kakasasu douj in your site, btw)
it's manga styled, yay.../sarcasm all those time i spend drawing manga is getting on me. really.
Hey, somebody wanna rec a nice KakaIta oneshot, not necessarily smut, preferably not PWP fic here?
and oh, i've found a sasusaku artist. i quite like her style, so if you still know her, check out her DA Ah, I've found something interesting. It says that in some neurogical test, gay men have similarities in brain structure in straight women as lesbians with het men. hmm....
read the article im still also doing the fanfics, if some are worried. though im more focused on reincarnation nowadays since its experiencing a major revamp. getting the crapness away from the writing style as well as plugging the annoying plotholes is not an easy job. i miss pick up the phone but i'll be writing it again once i've gotten around the sidestories of rein.
addtl: and oh, kakkyou, i'll do that thing that we've talked about *mad cackle*