*shrugs* Its just amusing that i accurately scored in 2 test without actually trying to.
but that doesnt mean im not pissed at it! AH! I WANT MY RESULT TO BE EITHER!!!! i got the first test at quat's LJ and just for the heck of it took the exam. (im procrastinating that time) but im still sore at the fact that she and hee-chan were resulted the same. i was aiming for that either... its where the androgynous type is, not fair!
You scored as Male, Being mostly male / masculine, within your structures of thinking simply means that your reasoning powers are (the way they are perceived in Western Culture`) higher than the one of the opposite sex. Psychoanalsis claims this to come at the price of creative expression - a rational thinker can not think out of the box, it is claimed.
Should you be MALE or FEMALE?*created with
QuizFarm.com A friend told me to take the test at tickle, which is in my opinion is the most legible personality test site in the whole wide web. My test result at
tickle.com You're 68% masculine
This is based on how you scored on a variety of traits that, founded on classic research and our own studies, are typically associated with men.
You're also 32% feminine...
But what is gender identity exactly? A person's gender identity is defined by the extent to which they see themselves as masculine or feminine. Every person possesses both masculine and feminine qualities to some degree, however the extent to which each person has these qualities differs widely. While you were taking the test, we calculated your scores in 6 areas typically defined as masculine and 6 areas typically defined as feminine.
and oh, do you guys know about the golden compass? i wanna watch the movie. and i took the test from kieren's lj and here's my power spirit! *coughshamankingcough*
When I'm free from everything, I'll draw my online character in gaia and my cat together. hehee.
and wow... im so energetic at 4:30 am despite the fact that in less than four hours, if im not going to submit this work that im doing im dead. procrastinating yeaaah.