Yeah, so my fever is gone, my migraine is dissipating and my cold is not a 'sick cold' anymore.
what i mean in sick cold. ok, in my own i-do-not-like-taking-care-of-my-body-thank-you-very-much sickly self, there are two colds that ever hit people. One cold is.. a normal cold. you can sniff sniffle and snivel all the way but still be able to go to office or school or wherever you want because
it did not bother you and you feel fine except for some minor headache. Nonetheless, you can live the day out ignoring the thing.
While on the sick-cold is the bitchy kind. This is the one that makes you feel bad, like your nose is going to fall from your face anytime and you have that bitch migraine coming back. There's even some cases that it will make your muscles go weak and will make you want to be in bed badly. That has been my case last week. (and that's not even half of my combo sickness. good, isnt it?)
bad thing is, i still have this devil of a cough and its breaking my lungs into two. this is positively not healthy. imagine hacking your way nonstop for about a minute? it bring tears to zacchy's eyes, i tell you! tears!!! *offended shakefist* no! must not be weak! *dramatic flair* must show the world that 'i am is strong grr grr sadistic bastard-dead person kind' that is not going to surrender on a mere coughing fit!!
huzzah!! *coughhackspit*
noezzz!!! *faints*
hmmm spazzing wtf. *stabs self*
i need to remove these phlegms. and my mom forces makes me drink this lacto health wtf drink that smells like burning sugar+hair and tastes like gotham city doable drinking water courtesy of clay-face. And i cough every 2 seconds. Preeeeety. *snortscoughs*
and anyway, sometimes, its nicer to be with guy bestfriends because i just go and perv around with, play RPGs, video games and all fun stuffs *coughcooldevicesepisodescough* while girl bestfriends would use your current sickness so as to corner you and to trap you in your house, dial a number and make you talk to her ugh. i'd rather see some @#($*[cencored for the kids eyes].
not fair.
me:hello? uh.. hey.. sorry if i havent been able to attend to your bday
oh, its ok. its already finished
me: *some chat, chat*
then minutes later
me: *starts itching on asking "so your new boyfriend's there isnt he?" instead* so, who's there at the party?
ah, just my friends sister and other... oh, there's my office mates gotta go, bye!
me: *glares at the air*
bestfriend: so she did that? she didnt even try to convince you to attend to her party and even forgot that itsy bitsy little thing?
me:... *shugs and tries to be passive and ignored everything and change topic.*
ah, yeah. they thought that its fun. things to spite me. and its also fun that i'll be rooted in my bedroom with them and talk about... talk about stuffs. grr.
i could have been playing dungeons and dragons or ragnarok with male friends instead *rolls eyes*
i havent been able to give the giftarts im meaning to give to the people yet. i feel pathetic. september is going away soon and i havent given them their bday gifts yet. or some other gifts for the rest of my flist *weeps*
and lastly, i've seen a batmanxrobin porn and fanfic. i think my eyes are burned. *shudders* (no, i greatly respect that show.) must not....
*runs off to look for my eva and love hina pin-ups* misato.... XXDDDDDD