Jan 31, 2005 17:22
So today is moving day. Benoit should be home in about twenty minutes. We'll go to his mother's for dinner, and then head to Fribourg to move me into my new place.
Free apartment. Kitchen, living room, bedroom. Shared bathroom, but hey, it's free. A guy Benoit rides the train with to work in Lausanne rents out two full floors, two such apartments, for about $300. Somehow. I believe that when Bria lived in Fribourg, she paid the same for one small room with a tiny bathroom and no kitchen.
How the fuck did I get this luck?
The problem will be that I have to clean the place first to make it liveable. It hasn't been cleaned in over a year, and there is the leftovers of a years worth of parties and laziness.
But I won't have to pay anything for a whole apartment. What the hell.
Anyway, I have mixed feelings about the move... on the one hand, I won't have internet access more than once a week, and won't get to talk to the love of my life more than once a week, and only on the telephone and the occasional emails. I miss her so much already, and it has only been a month. I have ceased entirely with thinking of people in Canada, unless I talk to them on the computer or phone, because missing her overwhelms me. But on the other hand, Fribourg is much larger, and that means a much better chance of finding work. Finding a job is the most important thing right now, as I no longer get money from my educational savings, and eating food and living are pretty good things. And I will also go back to see Sarah in Hamburg in April.
Thanks, Benoit just got home, so I'm heading now. WIsh me luck and happiness. Fucking European countries and their hard to obtain work permits and lack of gay jobs for students.