Oct 31, 2004 21:50
I stopped by the coffee shop before school, like I always do, and there's this guy there who eyes kept following me around the little shop. It made me feel a little uneasy until I finally turned around and asked him if there was a problem.
Nope, no problem he says, so then why the heck was he staring at me? And he says, just because I think you're really cute. And I don't really know what else to say to that comment.
He's an Orange Blumaroo, with long, curly, bleached blond hair, and he looks like a surfer, but I can't tell because I'm too tired this early in the morning to really pay much attention to anything. And he asks if I reconginzed him, and I say no, because I don't.
And he says that he goes surfing at East Beach in Mystery Island, and then I start to think that maybe he does look a little familiar, but I still can't tell very much. He says he hasn't seen me there for a while, and I reply with yeah, I know because I've been going to West Beach instead later in the day. And we talk some more, and he asks for my name and number, and I tell him my name, but I don't know whether or not I should give him my number so instead he gives me his number and tells me to call him some time and says his name is Brent. And I say okay, and walk out without any coffee for school.
Should I call him?