May 15, 2005 19:01
this rather widely accepted orientation of girls being able to experiment with eachother and not being bisexual or lesbian has baffled my mind a good 6 months. What started my persisting insite on this i will not discuss, but i had a conversation with a friend ( a bisexual girl who lives florida) and she asked me how i could be so opinionated and close minded on an issue that doesnt even affect me. Well the answer is this, it does. In the days of my generation it is hard to find a open minded girl who hasnt experimented with other girls,at least in the kissing aspect of it, well enough babbling here are some facts that i hold to find true after much deep thought and deliberation.
1) It is very socially acceptable for girls to kiss other girls.
2) once is an experiment, twice is pushing it, anything beyond that is done sherely for the pleasure of doing it.
3) a reason they may do it is for the compassion without having to worry about the drama that some times comes along with it, they might project it as joking or a show but in reality there enjoying every second.
4) It may be done for attention, but not if its more then once
5) 75% of my generation (13-19) is at least bi-curious.
6) Because of society's acceptance and misguidance, no matter how many times this act is committed they may still maintain the capacity that they are "straight".
7) i am never going to find a girl interested in me that hasn't madeout with a girl at least once, not that i need one seeing as how im already in love with someone:)
8) it can be sexually arousing if the girls peforming have no connection to me on any level.
ill think of some more later, ill post them as a comment. tell me ur insite as to why girls do this.