Real life is hard

Mar 06, 2013 21:46

Sorry I hardly update now (and the only time I do, it's to rag on Sephy90, which is still a really good time). It's not like I don't ever have the opportunity now a days... it may be partially due to the fact I just have all these other things on the computer to do, and LJ takes a back seat, but it may be because I don't like talking about my problems these days. I mean, back when I didn't have a job and barely went to school, I totally could go on and on about my shortcomings because, let's face it,they were pretty insignificant. Now that I'm actually dealing with problems that are bigger than your average computer virus, I've realized something: I don't like to write about my problems- and believe me, I now have quite a few, mostly having to deal with money. Acknowledging the fact I am going through tough times by putting it in writing makes me feel horribly anxious, and all I want to do is forget about the fact I have no money to pay for school, or am losing hours at work because of the Whole Foods that was recently built down the street from where I work.

But I still want to post, even if that means I'll have to zero in on all the really tiny things that happen in my life and deceive you all into thinking I'm not thousands of dollars in debt. Like Nate, at work. I mean, he doesn't go to the lengths Steve goes to (who I swear to god is going to attempt to rape/kill/ rape and kill me some day) but now a-days he isn't even being subtle at all. And I don't mean that in a subjective way, he literally has come out and said, to my face that he likes me, and it makes me really uncomfortable, especially since this sudden need to profess all his private feelings about me was triggered by me getting a boyfriend and not me being single. There are two pretty glaring examples of this, and since I don't like the idea of exploding and causing a giant drama meltdown at work, I can only uncomfortably giggle and devise a way to go somewhere else the rest of my shift.

One of those examples was him straight up saying "Hey, you know I like you, right?" shortly after he managed to devise the fact I had a boyfriend, and that he was Asian (which I have no idea how he managed to do that, since I'm pretty sure Nate has never seen Shun before. Either I'm a bigger weeaboo than I thought or...). Suddenly wanting to run screaming, I played dumb and was all "oh, really?" like it wasn't horribly obvious before. He then went on the say that, if me and Shun were to ever break up, he'd totally be cool with being my fallback guy. Somehow that's more creepy than just saying you like someone who you know is in a relationship. i mean, he flirts with everything with boobs who works up front, but the thought that he's specifically just waiting around for me and Shun to have a fallout really skeeved me out- and still does. And, not to be mean, but I'd never date him, even if me and Shun ever broke up. To put it in simple terms... I don't date fatties. Yeah, yeah, call me shallow all you want, but it's my personal preference and I'm sticking to it.

That and if Shun ever dumped me, I'm sure I'd be so romantically incapacitated, I'd probably not want to start another relationship with any other living thing ever. Except maybe a lot of cats.

It get's kind of worse with Nate, because a few days ago he drops another horrible zinger about how his loins are aflame for me and all of my taken glory. It started off as a friendly conversation, with him asking how me and my "Asian boyfriend" were (part of me doesn't want to tell him Shun's name...), and at first I took this as a sign that maybe he had moved on. I mean, when you long for someone, you don't make small talk wondering how their relationship with the man you are in direct competition with is. Head held high and nose proudly in the air, I told him me and Shun were doing just fine, to which Nate responds with a sharp, "Aw, crap!" Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry the fact me and my boyfriend are still happily together bothers you so much. I bet it wouldn't sting so badly if you, I don't know, kindly MOVED ON? But yeah, apparently Nate not only is waiting patiently for me to magically become single, but he really, really wants us to get into a fight. He can't fucking WAIT for the day me and Shun start to bicker, and I'm sure it will give him boundless pleasure.

So... yeah. Steve is creepy in a way where you're convinced he's a candidate for horrifying sexual assault, but Nate is creepy because he doesn't keep anything to himself. If he likes you, and wants you to have fights with your boyfriend, he'll be totally cool with telling it to your face. I miss the days where unrequited love was something you kept to yourself and saved for your blog or horrible alternative/ emo song lyrics.
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