Sep 20, 2004 00:19
Sometimes, you wake up one morning, and realize that some people should be burned alive. And then you understand that you're not the passive, mellow person you always strived to be, but a bitter, unforgiving emotional train wreck. Sometimes you discover yourself in another person whom you've been partially acquainted with for years, and then you finally understand what it actually means to say "I love you," and completely and honestly mean every bit of it. Sometimes one simple invite to a bonfire and one seemingly meaningless conversation can change an entire look at the world and everyone in it.
This is life.
I haven't updated in ages. Or at least, not about anything important. This is completely unintentional, but I rarely have the time anymore. Not that this is what I'd call a negative. All of my time is spent working at Showplace (which is fun), trying to pull together a band practice (which really needs to happen soon), having musical practice (which isn't nearly as bad as I'd expected it to be), hanging out with Drew and Bo (two of the closest friends I've ever had), or seeing Cati (which I'm sure requires absolutely no explanation). So I guess I can say I've finally found the formula for a constant supply of "I'm fucking happy, damnit." Or whatever.
This weekend was rediculous. Or rediculously fun, as the case may be. Friday saw me off work, for whatever reason, so I hung out with Drew, and we talked of things that were good. Then we visited Bo, and ventured to Showplace to watch Resident Evil with Bo and Chris Vickers, which I didn't care for too much. I'm not into zombies, I guess. Some fellow employees were talking about hanging out after work, and invited Cati and I, so I left before the end of the movie to do that. That turned out to be fun. I spent the night at Cati's, I think...I don't exactly remember...and then hung out with Bo, Drew, Cati, and Joey the next morning, where we visited Joey's rich house and then Cici's Pizza. Afterwards Cati and I went to work, and then off to Brandon's house for one of the best parties I've been to in a while. Rock. Then work today. With Cati. We were miserable from lack of sleep, but that's somehow alright with me, because I still can't manage to have a bad day when I'm with her. Fuck, I'm so emo. Alright, that takes care of the "Guess Waht I DiD DiS WeAkend!!!!111shift LOLOL>LO :DDD" paragraph.
This coming Friday I'll be playing my first show since No Side's Ritchiefest in the summer of 2003. This won't be Saturn, though. I'm actually filling in for the ill-stricken Andrew Neel, frontman for The Nowhere Kids, an Evansville punk band. It's far from Saturn's sound, but still something I love. The drummer is actually none other than Logan Brown, who just so happens to also be Saturn's current drummer as well. I'm very excited, but terribly nervous about actually being able to learn their entire set list in time for the show at the same time. So anyway, the show's gonna be at 1123 First Ave. I dunno who exactly we'll be playing with, but I'm sure can give you all the information you'd ever want.
I'll try to keep updated more often.