Words of the Day
slaver \SLAV-uhr; SLAY-vuhr\, intransitive verb:
1. To slobber; to drool.
1. Saliva drooling from the mouth.
beau ideal \boh-ay-DEEL\, noun;
plural beau ideals:
A perfect or an idealized type or model.
I have to get my little Live Journal Thing out of the way.
COMMENT HERE, and I will--
1) Tell you why I friended you
2) Associate you with a song/movie
3) Tell a random fact about you
4) Tell a first memory about you
5) Associate you with an animal/fruit
6) Ask something I've always wanted to know about you
7) Show you my favorite user pic of yours
Valentine's DAY!And you know what that means... Today we celebrate the Horrendous Massacre of
St. Valentine and his friends. WOOHOOO!! Let's EAT CHOCOLATE HEARTS because we're too metal~~<3
Which reminds me of this episode of Metalocalypse I saw this week.
The Curse of the Dethklok? There are two quotes in the episode that I find particularly amazing...
One: "Pickles: [Holding a lobster] Hold on, now, so yer telling me that you put these little guys in boiling water and they shriek and they turn red and they die.
Store Clerk: Yes, sir.
Pickles: That is the most metal thing I ever heard in my whole life. High five.*while holding a lobster*"
Two: "Skwisgaar Skwigelf: I love to laugh. Hi.
Old Lady: Hi.
Skwisgaar Skwigelf: Guess what you are a GMILF. That is a grandmother that I would like to..."
WHICH REMINDS ME... Lol: "Your Language is Fraudulent, dawg." - Shamrock to John Brown on The White Rapper Show. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
... Now I'm stuck on Quotes.
Did I do nothing but watch TV? x.x;;
So, for Valentines, I give you all a Gift of this image:
Or some of you.
Or none but myself.
If you know me, you know I never draw anymore, but I'm pleased with my results. Many hours on photoshop to make up for the fact that I didn't ink anything before I tried to upload... and then there was the fixing and figuring out speech bubbles and what the fucking else ever... because it's a damned one page comic strip... but anyway. I think it's large, so I'll Lj-cut it... but lookit if you want?
Maybe I should have warned you there would be slash in here?
What? You mean I don't have any NEW movie reviews?
That's right. I didn't actually see a new movie in the theaters, but I did see something made for T.V.... so here it goes.
As always:
Movie Reviews!
We'll range from:
" :` ( "==Bad.
"==Meh, Worth a Looksee for Five Dorra.
"==I Liked it.
"==I Loved it and I'll OWN that bitch. ^_^
The Hollow So this movie was starting up on Sci-Fi channel, and all I could think during the opening credits was, "What poor bastard shares a name with the lead singer of the Backstreet Boys?" but low and behold, it really was
Nick Carter Holy Hell. It's sort of a Sleepy Hollow kind of movie... where the ghost story actually happened and one or more of the kids are direct descendants of the people in the story. I enjoyed the plot, but I was too distracted by the actors themselves to really pay much attention, really. The Crane boy was in that 'almost too cute' region, Nick was getting Chubbs and was a total asshole, and Crane's dad was the Tree-hugger in the Tim Allen
Santa Clause movies... Also some distracting cheapish effects. Really not bad though.
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