May 18, 2010 00:10
icon is because it is the most orange out of my current set. (which admittedly could use updating. maybe I'll make *cough*makepuppyeyesaterinfor*cough* a set of tristepin or evangelyne ones.)
ok, so, ten things i love in orange:
*is tempted to cheat and say certain people's skin, because technically caucasian skin tone is in the orange family....but maybe if i can't think of anything else.*
does gold count? hmmm
in no particular order, unless you consider "things that happen to pop into my head because of a desktop background or icon" an order.
1. tristepin's hair
2. aang's end-of-series monk outfit
3. sunsets
4.adobe illustrator. (it's a love/hate thing)(the icon is orange dammit)
6. tigers
7. some of the pattern on my kimono's obi. (i like the entire obi,not all of it happens to be orange)
8. sailor venus
9. fire
10. flareon.
why did i feel the need to jusify almost every item's orangeness?
orangity? orangousity?
it's probably time to go to bed.
comment here and I will pick a color for you to pick ten things you like/love in that color.
~director's cut extended edition~
11. kyo's hair
12. phoenixes. phoeni?
13. foxes
14. tequila sunrise. (before i stir up the grenidine and make it peach)
16. overripe peaches
17. tiger lilies
18. monarch butterfly
19. japanese maple leaves
20. the shrine maiden's hakama at the harajuku shrine.