Title: A Split in the Skin of the World
Characters: The Doctor, Amy
Rating PG
Spoilers: Doctor Who, informed by up to 5x05
Notes: ~800 words, not much Master in this one sadly, tentatively feeling out the characters' voices, and scrambling to keep up with/adjust to canon's revelations and still tell the story I want to tell. Follows
The fracture collapses, leaving a bank of snow with an ordinary line in it... )
But of course the Doctor's always running away from it, and it'll always come back to haunt him.
Please tell us who GreyEyes is - I'm pretty sure I wonder if I know :P
Not that I'm saying I'll reveal the answer just yet, but I'm very curious--who do you think it is?
:P Trying to be ambiguous but I don't know if it worked :P
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