Movie Trivia:
That's alright. Anyway my Mum always said, things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end ...if not always in the way we expect. I think I'll just go have some pudding.
*Dave's Livejournal is pleased to let you know that WDLJ, your ACTION NEWS CHANNEL, has shot passed the meteorological world with brand new technology to predict the sudden and often confusing changes in the world of weather. Now, thanks to titanium shoulder technology, WDLJ can, with 100% accuracy, predict the changes in the painful, painful, painful weather. So tune into WDLJ for the brand new TITANSHOULDER WEATHER TRACKER! By the way, the weather is changing... Owwww*
Good morning, LJ. I hope that you had a great week. I know that I did. I could tell you about it here, but where would the fun in that.
On the shoulder front: Things have settled into a routine. Things are going quite well. I am going to really start pushing the shoulder to get more range of motion and really start pushing the weights coming up after the season is done. Right now, I'm just doing some maintenance and really working on overall conditioning and weight loss, but come October I'm really going to start pushing it. That's going to be a lot of fun!
On the Rogue Blades front: We had a really nice weekend. We had nice crowds, good weather, and lots of fun. This is the last weekend that we will be performing at the Silverleaf Ren Faire. It has been a very good run for us this year, despite my shoulder problems. I will be in full swing next year and really looking forward to fighting full time. If you haven't been able to catch us this year in Battle Creek, this will be your last time to catch us at Silverleaf. Our next festival will be in Holly, MI at the Michigan Ren Faire.
Last weekend we did have something fun happen at the faire. We were asked to do an interview on a local radio station. So let me take you back in time... to a time where ladies did a lot of waiting, where men had more than their fair share of arms, and men in black got to asked to do radio interviews... Let's go back and time for the first 2007 Dave the Knave's: Tale of Yore! Dave the Knave and Sir Paul on the radio in Battle Creek. During the day on Saturday we were asked if we wouldn't mind doing an interview for a local radio station in B.C. We, being attention whores, said heck yeah. Paul and I were interviewed for a couple of minutes on air and it was a hoot. It's been quite a while since I've been on-air and it was a lot of fun. Last year, we had a little interview, and me, being the bad guy, kept getting cut off by the obviously "good hugging" host. Well, this time, the guy that conducted our interview was perfectly content to let the sinister dark swordsman do most of the talking, oh and so was Paul. During the interview, we introduced ourselves and explained that we were a sword fighting comedy show. The announcer said, "Please explain to the listeners how sword fighting and comedy can possibly go together. I said, "Well, I am Dave the Knave, the greatest swordsman that has ever lived. I have come to for the sole purpose of challenging Sir Paul in a duel to the death. And really what could possibly be more amusing than attempted homicide?" Good laughs were had by all. Then later in the day, the announcer came and watched our show and told me how much he enjoyed it. That was a delight.
Other than that, I got nothin'. I'd better get on with the really important stuff before I look in the bottom of my diet Coke and see the Grim and then end up fighting a hippogriff, werewolf, executioner, and Dementors!
Major congrats go out to our winners from last week.
lolagabanna snarfled all of the music points by identify the party tune, "LOVE SHACK" by THE B-52's and
avengangle gobbled up the movie points by identifying the quote from the movie "HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban" Will our clever magicians continue to use their mad skills and guard their points and slowly continue to grow their powers by winning again and again or will they fall to "the DLJ reader that survived"? We shall see...
Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner
But he knew it wouldn't last.
Jojo left his home in Tucson, Arizona
For some California grass.
Best of luck my family and friends. Have the greatest week of your life. I know I will.