Application to Magic Draft

Nov 08, 2011 23:01

NAME: Alyssa
AGE: 18
JOURNAL: emo_viking_jil
AIM/PLURK/EMAIL: AIM is adaniellec, PLURK is andalltheworlds

SERIES: Axis Powers Hetalia
NAME: Russia | Ivan Braginski
RACE: Humanoid Nation-person.
AGE: Physically 21, in actuality he’s about a thousand and a half years old.
CANON POINT: Modern Times (November 2011)
REFERENCES: Hetalia Wikia Page
GENDER: Male, both physically and mentally.


Russia is not an easily overlooked character. This is mostly because despite his “sweet and innocent face” he’s always got a semi-creepy aura around him. In the comic and anime this is shown by purple waves emanating from his body. These waves are usually accompanied by a crazed look and a chorus of an odd ‘KolKolKol’ laughter. Even when he isn’t going crazy like this he gives off an uneasy vibe which-when coupled with his sometimes childlike personality- seems almost worse.

Russia’s past has not been the best, and because of the strain it held on him his mentality fractured. It was not until the “Bloody Sunday” horror, however, that his mind truly cracked. He reverted to a childlike persona to hide himself from the horrors he had seen and committed. This mask grew stronger and more prominent with the World wars and all the deaths he felt. However, it was not till Stalin’s reign that he succumbed to feelings of worthlessness and self-loathing. All of this compounded and his mentality fractured. His mind split into pieces. It’s during this time that he was at his cruelest. In the manga he was shown to have physically abused Lithuania but Russia himself is unaware of his malicious actions.

Either way, from this point on he swiveled from an extremely childlike persona, a meek, subservient one usually only brought on by his boss, a cold, sharp persona and a shadow of his former self. In fact, it’s quite possible that he had developed a form of multiple personality disorder. This disorder was heaviest while Stalin was alive, but continued on until the fall of the Soviet Union. After the fall his personality switches became less intense, and occurred less often. These personality switches still occur now days, and are usually brought on by intense emotion. He sometimes has flashbacks and slips into his childlike persona at times.

Now that Russia’s crazy factor has been explained it’s easier to delve into the ‘man behind the mask’. Russia’s pretty good at pulling up a stoic mask, mostly because of the things that happened to him in the past and the fact that he’s been schooled to show no weakness. Lately he’s been able to smile a bit more naturally but he still keeps his emotions very tight to his chest. If he trusts you enough- something that’s pretty hard to accomplish- then he is willing to show his true emotions and not cover everything up with an ever present smile and twisting words. It’s rare, but it does happen every so often.

A major part of Russia’s personality are taken up by his abandonment issues and his want to have tons of people around him, unfortunately for him his past and his creep factor tend to scare away the others. His sisters too do not stay with him, Ukraine is often kept away because she owes him something (like gas money) or her boss has forbidden her from giving him anything. Belarus is a bit of a different issue, mostly because she has a strange, overbearing obsession for him and wants him to marry her. Russia is often scared away from his youngest sister even if he does still care for her. Despite these things his dream is to one day live with everyone in a warm place with sunflowers.

Russia is an intelligent nation-man, and mighty observant, but he can also be childishly naïve at times. He’s got a lot of childish possessiveness and if he has some one under his rule, so to say, he doesn’t like to share. He tends to hoard people in a sense, and is extremely protective of those he deems as his.

Russia learned to rely on himself after the Mongol invasion and thus, he trained extensively to become strong enough to protect himself, his sisters, and his people. Because of this he became a strong warrior and developed a calculating outlook on people. Russia was already quite intelligent, but through his training he started to develop a strategist side. He can look at people the way that chess masters look at pawns, and sometimes is a firm believer in “For the greater good.”

The cold war brought about a great amount of paranoia in Russia. This has not fully gone away, for instance, he still carries a TT30 on his person at all times. Another thing the Cold War truly drew out was Russia’s intimidation factor. Beforehand he’d been regarded with suspicion and some fear, but that doubled during the Cold War. Even years after the Soviet Union’s fall, Russia is still regarded with suspicion and fear. This isn’t helped by the fact that despite being a part of Eurasia he was pretty much always separated from the other countries due to his land’s coldness and such. His lands are part of Europe, and part of Asia, but he doesn’t really seem to belong to either of them so he finds himself within his own little corner of the world. This helps to make it so he doesn’t really understand the other nations, and they don’t really understand him. He doesn’t really have good relationships with them, and they in turn distrust and scurry away from him.  
Russia is a bit hard to sort, as he holds traits that could belong to either house. He is intelligent like a Ravenclaw, stubborn like a Gryffindor, loyal like a Hufflepuff and Ambitious like a Slytherin.  However, while he is intelligent, he uses it to his best advantage and half of his smarts come from learning hands on. He’d step up and defend a friend in an instant, but he would not exactly fight fair. Ambition is straightforward, as he dreams to live in a warm place surrounded by his friends and sunflowers, and he would do most anything to get there. Because of this, the house that most fits him would be Slytherin. However, if he did not get into Slytherin, he could easily fit into Ravenclaw because of his intelligence and knowledge gathering.

COMMUTER DETAILS: Not allied with Voldemort, so his commuter is untapped.

POSITION: Student.

ABILITIES & POWERS: Because he is a nation, Russia is stronger and a bit more resilient that your normal human. He has quicker healing abilities and can re-attach limbs if need be. However he is still wounded and depending on his economy and the state of his landmass this healing can be the same as human. He’s had lots of practice with a shashka and firearms as well as his pipe, but most of these won’t help in magical situations as much. Because of his experience in battle situations, he’s particularly good at keeping his mind clear when things are chaotic and he’d be a rather good duelist. If he fought clean that is.

WAND: Blackthorn, Dragon Heartstring, Slightly Supple, 11 inches. He’s particularly good at Defense against the Dark Arts.





[The commuter focuses in on Russia who’s sitting cross-legged on his bed. At the moment he’s fixing the green and silver tie beneath his scarf but he notices the commuter is on and picks it up with a murmured ‘excellent.’]

Privjet. I have been informed of the situation here and, while I am not particularly happy to be thrust in a war right now, I was…hoping that someone could provide me a bit more back ground as to why exactly I am here.

Not that the chance to further my abilities is unwelcome of course.

[He croons, a smile turning up the corners of his mouth.]

Well, I suppose that is all for now, thank you~.

[He leans forward, smile growing, and shuts the feed off.]


Despite being disgruntled at having been torn from his world and thrust into this one with even so much of an excuse me, Russia was excited for classes. Magic was- like religion- something he had long forgone, even if he was still as superstitious of a man now as he had been centuries ago.

The chance to learn new skills was also always a plus.

Which is why he was leaning against the wall outside of the Defense against the Dark Arts classroom, wisteria eyes watching the other students as they chattered amongst themselves excitedly. He was not the only one alone, but he had no reason to talk to the other lone wolves until they proved to be either interesting or a help. He suspected they were waiting for much the same but it was no matter once the door to the classroom opened and the professor ushered them all in.

Russia chose a seat near the back of the classroom where he could see everything that was going on yet still hear the professor. For half the class lecture took over, the scratch of quills on parchment steady in the background, but Russia longed for when they could try out the spells they were learning about. As far as he could see, he was not the only one struggling with this notion see and when the professor told them to put away their supplies Russia couldn’t help but smirk a bit at the cheer the others made as they did so.

They were paired up and lined in front of targets, rows of students itching to draw their wands and cast and he was no exception, pale fingers jittering along the handle of his Blackthorn wand.

“Now, students, you remember the motions correct?”

Taking a moment to gather everyone’s yes sirs and nods, the professor let loose the tide.

Russia aimed with his wand, enjoying the feeling of power coursing through him as he let the spell -“Stupify!”- go.  A brilliant stream of red leapt from the end of his wand and collided into the target with force.

This was something he could get used to.

russia, application

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