A routine... ya dig?

Jun 19, 2004 00:41

I love posting late at night I don't know why I think its because I'm in reflect mode... got to be all philosophical and explain all the things that don't need explaining. The response I've been getting for the little flash toon I did have been pretty insane (10,000 hits in one day WTF OMG!!!!!) I then figured out it was because Albinoblacksheep.com put it up on their site right here which is pretty damn amazing to me... everytime I watch the thing I forget that I was the one who made it. Right now I wish it never exsisted just the fact that albino wants it redone for their site and horse the band wants it redone with the new version of the song for their site. Its just a lot of crap I don't want to deal with it was just this one project I did for fun that got out of hand. I finished it I just want to be done with it... but I think I'm still going to redo it for the band and all they're pretty cool and they deserve it even if the new song is not my fav (thats me being super polite).... also I did a little math... the video is about 3 minutes long... 3 times 10,000 is 30,000 minutes that those 10,000 people will never see again... then again this is about 10 minutes I'll never see again from typing and probably another 4-20 minutes  (depending on how fast you read) to anyone who reads this.... SLOW DOWN TIME!!!!

In other news a fantastical football camp just ended today it was alright. I enjoy getting cut up and bruised to the point of not being able to move but I'm insane I love the pain (and somehow thats going to make me a sereal killer?... stupid jocks). Whats really worse then the pain is this thing I'm hopeing is part time but if no one knew my lovely little brother has the privalge of going to highschool next year... and he's playing football!!!! So over the past week he's been following me around... you gotta love the brother but man its like suffication city over here. I think he'll get it eventually when I scream like a banshe and run 5 miles from him following me for the 1023981024712490 time. so yeah football... a couple cuts and a couple torn shirts... Speaking of shirts I am shirtless since I haven't gone clothes shopping since 1998 when the Baha men were cool and middle school was hell (dates may be off but whateva) so yeah lazy me bought a shirt on the net (watch out you kooky kids) good good site for shirts.

Still a lot to say but I will say it on another day...  goodnight and love to all
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