(no subject)

Apr 24, 2009 15:11

I hate cancer. I hate the waiting. I hate the constant worry, whether justified or not. We went. Everything feels fine according to Dr. Rosenthal, but of course we won't know anything for sure until next week when we get the results of the scan. Then, if it is "normal" I can stop worrying. Supposed to be until October, when we go again. Except, wait, last time we had a clean scan in June, relaxed, and then there was a new tumor 2 months later that we found, only because we're super diligent about checking. So, yay, there's that. Maybe radiation "fixed it," or maybe it didn't. Okay enough fatalism there, there were good parts to my day, too.

Today & tomorrow is bulky item pick up in two of the ritzier neighborhoods near us, so I cruised through briefly and in about 10 minutes was able to get probably $200 worth of good lumber ( plenty and then some for Adam to make the porch swing he's been wanting to make for the backyard) and a wooden bookshelf that will be perfcet for turning into a raised gardening bed. Amazing what people will throw out. I am planning on making another run through this afternoon to see what else I can find. I love me some retail therapy in the form of dumpster diving.

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