I guess I could update this thing... well lets see. it bees after one... ooh F---Shoot. Its like Two. CRAPPPPP. I keep forgetting to set these dern clocks.
Anyway. Parents woke me up at around 12 today, told me to get up and work. It took me forever to get in gear... and then I wore shorts! Yesh, C-Rack Mo wore shorts into the world. It was great. I picked up sticks for my parents, and then went to Wal*Mart. OH, and intresting expirence happens when I got in my gc. I get in, and turn the key. This is the noise it made: VROOM.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... ERKKNAK---KLUNK...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. And the car rocked back and forth for a few seconds. Yeah. It sounded like it chewed up a cat. I freaked out, and killed the motor and got out.. and found absolutely nothing. It was kinda scarry. Went to Wal*Mart... forgot cotton balls. Anyway. Around Six-ish, i decided to call Courtney and see if she wanted to go eat... she was gone. Called Ashely to see what she was doing... she was gone... speakin of which I havent her from her today. Weird. So then I called Britton, who what HOME! We went to Conway and got Tropical Smoothies and then to Rallys to get burgers. Then we drove around. Then went to Hastings. Then went 'sploring as Ashley would say. Then I dropped him off and went home. The entire way I watched my gc tell me I was about outta gas. I watched the dealie go from 13 Miles to 3 Miles,,, and then I found a station. It was great. Now here I sit boring you to death. So now I leave you.
-Kelby. (im going to start signing that name now, btw.. because i can.. booya.)