Jan 25, 2010 22:22
I'm super tired, but, for an update.
I have been working on these auditions and my class work. It's pretty stressful and what not, but i'm making it. I really have to find balance or this quarter is going to eat me alive.
I really, don't like emails that bounce back. It's annoying. Especially when it's a mass email. Then for like, 5 minutes, I get failed emails. Annoying. Especially for this animated film. Even auditions..
I had a conversation with people in my creative writing class about putting work out there and getting different interpretations of work. I had a run in with someone who hasn't had this talk with. I know I sound vague, but you can't expect people to know what you mean
or intended.
He got all offended by critiques because it 'wasn't what he intended'
I'm too tired to explain. But it was a bit....obnoxious and inconsiderate of him. It's nice to have a purpose/intent for whatever you're doing, but everyone is going to interpret your work differently. Don't ask for an opinion if you can't handle it or want to accept someone else's view.
I....don't think....i'm making sense....am i?