Dec 12, 2008 01:23

[voice; his voice clicks on and he's speaking quietly so that his voice doesn't shake]

I- The ground grabbed me and it said to help and the fire didn't make it let go...

[he pauses, next sentence said through gritted teeth, almost a snarl]

It marked me through the scar. Called for help and scarred me. What was that...

When I woke up... I woke up alone and covered in my blood and alone... what happened. This is a stupid place, sending messages, whispering, and eating me.

Has this happened before here... Because this line shows through my original scar, and the blood won't come off, and the hand that grabbed me... It hurt I guess. What is this place doing...

zuko does not like it here, scar, zuko hates, plot: neffe, zuko is annoyed

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