read my post before this, this is boring.

Feb 04, 2006 23:56

weee i love doing this....
i love it!!!

and if any of this offends you, quite frankly i dot give a flying fuck monkey's ass.


in the past month

number of times i ate a dead animal:1
number of times ive enjoyed it:1
number of times i got jumped by a bunch of wangsters: 2
number of bruises: 17
number of things matts dog has knocked over: 33
number of times i stalked matts dog:0
number of times he has accused me of being a dog stalker:3
number of times in the past hour ive heard people calling people a weenie: 28
number of times its been annyoing:2 1/2
number of jon's at this sleep over:none.
number of OTHER jons at the sleepover:3
number of people who have been on the phone:3. make me four bitch
actual statistics.chances of it snowing in louisville KY today: 1 in 897.3 (yes thats an am radiostation)
chances of that furry little groundhog sumbitch seeing its shadow, 100 percent
chances of jon getting a girlfriend: 0.0000%
snowing:1. 3 inches
shadow:six fucking cold weeks
dating jon: 1

but at least he didnt get laid. stuipid kangaroos/.

number of times ive watched the end of the world: 7
number of times i enjoyed it: 7
number of times ive felt like killing little sumbitches at partys for hitting mew with a ball in the face:1
number of times i wanted to kill cheryl's sisters:about 4
number of times i cryed this month: 1
out of pain:no
out of emotion:yes
number of cigarettes ive smoked even though i quited: 7
number of sleeping pills and oxie cottons ive taken: total of around high 70's.
number of times ive been wasted: about 30
number of times i wanted to kill matt for putting his foot on my shoulder and driving his toe into my goddamned eye:1
number of times ive called people a penis monger: high 200's
number of times jon has wrecked shit for not being on his birth control pill: too many.
number of times i chased jon around the whole neighborhood with a big stick for almost getting me put in jail:1
number of times i forgot things: not sure. if i remembered i wouldnt have forgot then would i?
number of times ive repeated myself:many
number of times ive repeated myself:many
number of sex bracelets broken: 14
number of full on sex sex bracelets:0
number of time those sumbitches put out:0
number of times i expected it:0
number of times its actually mattered:0
number of times matt has asked me if i'm done so he can check his stupic myspace......fuck it
number of times ive descided to stop writing stupid surveys:0
number of times ive heard the batman theme song hummed, high teens
number of trippy thing in cheryls room that would be fun to play with when your high:high 260's
number of turkeys eaten:about 12
number of i donts: sauceeye
number of idiotic laughs out of matt: many
number of straterra pills i stole from matt:4
number of little 10-year-old-and-dating-a-three-year-old-even-though-they-are-both-the-same-hight-kids that have tried to serve me:6
number of times they succeded:0
number of idiotic surveys like this that i made up in my life:2

i am too commited.
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