If you are a big mac person... do not read!

Sep 02, 2009 20:58

So I know everyone complains about how much PC's freeze and are slow and horrible.

But let me tell you a secret, I NEVER had any of those problems with my PC.

I however have tons of problems with my mac. For example, it ALWAYS freezes while I am typing in word. Then it freaks out, and over heats itself. And then it kills my word, and I have to write my five page essay again. Let me tell you something. It sucks. Writing a bibliography the first time is painful enough. Writing it AGAIN? Sucks.

Seriously, how can people think macs are the second coming? I've had more problems since i got my mac than I ever did with my PC. (which not to say PC are the worlds greatest option... just you know I only have to write my essays and bibliogrpahies once.)

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