There's a million different opinions on the best doomsday zombie scenario. I'd love to give the user the opportunity to set up their own gameworld at the start of the game to suit their own "ideal" - or even purely out of the interest of creating a more dynamic difficulty level setup (want an easier game? retard your zombies.) - but that's an ambitious drive best left for future revisions.
With that in mind, I need some opinions... it won't take long, I swear. Nine questions. You fill out at least five times that amount to find out What Colour Best Describes Your Toothpaste's Moral And Ethical Stance On 'The War On Terror'? - several times a week if my friends page is any indication. ;)
Livejournal rather stubbornly refuses to allow me to repost this poll here. You'll have to follow the links below to the original one in my journal.
Ta muchly. More questions to come at a later date. If you're feeling really helpful and want to pass this poll on to another person or post a link on your journal, this is the direct link to just the poll itself: ... or this entire post: ---
This post is a repost from my personal journal. The original entry and comments can be found here: