
Apr 25, 2005 07:37

Ugh I’m a little groggy this morning because I went to town and ate a bunch of New York style pizza last night.

Yesterday was a truly “nice” day out. I love it when it is breezy, and there was plenty of that.

In the morning I did a lot of work with some programs I had to run and got all them kicked off.

Then I went over Alan’s house to pick up an old Tivo box he couldn’t get workings. Heh later on I got it all booted up and found a bunch of Dallas and Springer re-runs that his step-dad recorded.

Anyways, after that we headed up to Lowes to get some wood. Then we went to lunch at Wendy’s.

I braved the chili and was sure to check for a severed finger. None was found.

After that we headed back to weblamer’s house. He is out of town for a few days and Alan is taking care of his cats.

He went inside to feed the cats and I was playing with weblamer’s table saw. I’m putting together a small rig for the back of my truck to help me transport roofing materials.

We spent a few hours over there, tooling about in weblamer’s garage. Alan cleaned up some tree branches that had grown over the roof.

Once that was completed I dropped Alan off and headed home.

Later I took to seasoning my dutch oven, finally. Also I was re-seasoning a cast iron griddle I have as well.

Boy did that stink up my house. The amount of smoke that was pouring out of my oven was insane. I had to set up a network of fans to pump it all out of the house. But FINALLY I have them both seasoned. I plan on using the dutch oven to stew up some backed beans this weekend with a smoked pork shoulder I’m gonna make.

That solar flare monitor is starting to REALLY piss me off. I have no idea why it is not working properly. Everything is hooked up the way is should be and yet I get no signal from it. Bah I was better off using my other setup:P

30 minutes on the treadmill, 1.79 miles
30 push-ups
30 sit-ups level 9
30 reps vertical press 100lbs
30 reps lat pull down 72lbs

5:30am 1 serving OJ
7:30am 1 serving oatmeal, 1 glass lemon zinger tea with honey
9:00am 1 apple
10:00am 1 serving celery

None that I can remember but I do know I had them.

My word it was cold this morning. I mean we are at the end of April and it was 43 degrees this morning! It was clear with a full moon illuminating everything and there were patches of fog where there was standing water.

Cosmic Event
The first-discovered asteroid, 1 Ceres, shines at 7th magnitude this week.

Mindless Banter

If one in every three guns exploded, killing the operator, when fired, would there be as much gun violence as there is today?

Daily Good News
My tomato plants looks healthy

Franklin Quote
“Many a man thinks he is buying pleasure when he is really selling himself a slave to it.”
Poor Richard, 1750


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