8:30 PM, Thursday, April 3
Yesterday we saw an iceberg! I would be excited about seeing an iceberg any day, but I was especially excited after being on this ship for 14 days with nothing out the window except for ocean. No one expected to see any icebergs because winter is just starting and we're not that far south (just ~50 degrees), so this was a special treat. And then later when I was outside taking photos of Val and Stian doing a Argo drop, we spotted another, smaller iceberg. The photo (taken by Ismael because my camera doesn't have a very high zoom) doesn't really show how humongous this thing must have been - at least as big as the ship, if not several times as big.
While we were watching the iceberg from the bridge we saw a cardboard box with "bomb" written on it. We thought it was odd, but it turns out it was for a drill today. About once a week we have one of these drills, and all of the passengers (us) have to go to the conference room with our life vests and immersion suits to prepare for boarding the life boat. This week the crew got to practice finding a bomb. Unfortunately, they didn't find it before it blew up. It turns out the captain himself was the evil guy who planted it on the bridge, and when the crew members went to sweep the bridge he told them he'd already done it, and they left. So we're all dead.