Jan 23, 2006 21:17
ok....i must admit my weekend was fucking awsome...on thursday i went to the mall with liana n hill n then saw a great senior voice performance at my school...later i went to nickys party which was alrite...hanging out with people was fun...btu some people need to fuckign learn how to control themselves like it got out of hand...but ANYWAYS...friday i hung out with eric,emm,ash,derek,stav...and some other peopel...it was seriosuly fun we just hung out and talked and laughed it was great....saturday i went to goodwill with hill and got cheap awsome clothes n then SAW KAYLA!!! yay...lol..i love her so much and she always makes me happy...so we hung out...then sunday i saw THE FLYING EYES SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which was so amazing...like i get in the music and liek ughhh i cant explain it but it is beautiful...like you dont even understand how bad i want to sing with them..like more then once in a while...im just sad that i saw everyone but adam who i never see which sucked but its my fault but so yea....conclusion i didnt sit on my ass this weekend and do nothing and it was greattttttttt