Just Watched This Week Tonight With John Oliver...

Jun 29, 2015 18:48

So, I just watched a talk show episode on Comedy Central intended to address the issue of Transgender rights at DMVs, in the military, at public restrooms and other places where their gender shouldn't make any damned difference because, well, it just fucking doesn't. I heard obsurd arguements from politicos talking about, well, frankly their own adolescent fantasies about girls locker rooms and it made me shake my head.

Okay, lets look at this...women's bathrooms - to dispell any confusion about how they work, you walk in past a bank of sinks with soap and towel dispensers to a closed lockable stall. There you can do whatever business you need to do, flush as many times as you like and the exit to said bank of sinks. Washy-washy, primp if you must and exit. At any time do we witness each other's girly (or not so girly) bits? No. If it's a guy in there would that change? No, not unless he crawls under the door in whcih case he's not going to see much but a boot heel to the temporal lobe and hopefully he wakes up in time for his arrest. Easy.

Girls locker room - Yes, temporarily naked women showering in sometimes clear view, sometimes not with similarly closed stalls. If a transgendered female was in there and I don't care whether or not she still has a her original male genitalia still  because odds are she is not interested in me anyway, while I ALSO don't care if seeing my nekkid ass gets the attention of any lesbian in there either. Same-same to me because we all know the rules of respecting space and courtesy. Not the place.

So to the bathroom issue for those who are scared to death that anyone would be interested in watching them pee...the only ones who do that in clear view are at urinals and typically not anatomically female. So make it all in stalls, have ONE bathroom with many stalls. You know I can wash my hands along side other women, men, and transgendered M/F and F/M, hermaphrodites and castrati ALL THE SAME...though I dunnnnooo...I do a pretty arousing hand washing. *wiggle eyebrows*

You know if we didn't live in such a rapey culture there would be no need for any of the foolery anyway. As for showers. Put them in stalls like many gyms have and call it good if you are so paranoid. Alright so, lets talk about the DMV and the whole incident where a DMV made two M/F transgendered ladies take off their jewelry and makeup for their picture when no cop who ever pulled them over would probably see them with no makeup. What does it matter? They weren't even asking to have their gender changed, this was about their aesthetics.

Uhm...so by this logic should the DMV demand that Bob McMullet get a different haircut because he looks like a doochebag? Are they going to make Freak Show Freddy cover up his full facial tattoos but then he would be wearing makeup so does that mean he is pretending to be a woman and has to take it off but...wait? What about Anchorman Arnie and all his pancake foundation and bronzer, that's gotta go? No? What about the very masculine Lesbian with the short hair and no makeup, are they going to make her put some on?

What the hell DMV!? And honestly, let's say Uncle Harold lost his dangly bits in a combine accident. He has no male genitalia and he is not transgendered so he has no female genitals, even surgically created ones...he is a man based on his condition of birth only? Alright, Andrea is born an hermaphrodite with both a penis and vagina, half of the time she wears makeup, long hair and frilly dresses and the other half she wears lumberjack attire and pulls her hair back like Willy Nelson is she a boy or a girl based on birth and, uhm... see the idiotic slippery slope and irrelevancy of the whole gender question?

Why does it matter when we have DNA, fingerprints and current physical appearance (which can change dammit!!) as markers for who is who. How about we go with that, huh? If not then we need single stalls period or we need a public bathroom for every letter in the LGBT-XYZ lalphabet. That is a lot of crappers. Or we can climb out of the Victorian era, get the rapey crap out of our culture and tell our politicians to grow the hell up and get their weenie off their mind because frankly, their sick, immature, sexualized, sophomoric fantasies and fears are just something for others to ridicule, not respect. Grow up.

#TransgenderRights #JohnOliver


transgender rights are human rights too

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