life update

Dec 04, 2007 20:03

right now i am under a huge amount of stress because of procrastination.

i am also very scared that something may have happened to me in the past that i was unaware of but is now coming to light.  derek tells me not to jump to conclusions, but i can't help but be afraid and weirded out, along with also feeling angry and betrayed.

my applications to the University of Michigan and UNC were submitted on time, last minute because of recommenders, but they're in.  now all that's left is harvard and umass.  i hope i get in somewhere, although i fear more and more now that derek and I will split up at the end of the year.

i haven't been able to read livejournal, i am not interested in keeping up with the news (either pop culture or politics), and sometimes i feel really out of the loop, but most of the time i don't care.

i will be in new york in 8 days, and i cannot believe it.  i am very excited.

i am also glad that the semester is almost over.  because my two final projects are worth 30 and 40% of my final grade, and because they are both going to be so incredibly shitty, i do not think i will get A's as a grad student.  i do not care though, because once you have a degree, the grades you got don't really matter--which is scary on the one hand (i dont want a medical doctor who got through med school on a C average), but on the other, who the fuck cares? if it was an issue, doctors would post their transcripts in their offices instead of their diplomas.  nobody fucking gives a shit, even when they pretend to.  even when people ragged on Bush for finishing with Cs or something, no one cared.  it's not like he was ousted from the presidency because he wasn't a straight A student.

i really have to get back to my papers now.
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