Jan 30, 2007 09:31
So I figure it's time for an update. It's amazing: I read LJ everyday, but I rarely post.
1. Work is going along well. This term is gonna be very, very relaxing. The vast majority of my classes are san-nensei (High School, Grade 12), and san-nensei students finished classes 2 weeks ago. They are all now studying for their University Entrance Exams. It's crazy how important grades are in Japan (and I hear Korea is just as bad if not worse). The kids work themselves to death.
2. Looking forward to the big TOOL concert coming up on February 8th. The concert is in Osaka, which is awesome. I still don't know exactly where the venue is, but I got an idea. It's called "Zepp Osaka". If worse comes to worse, I'll get a train to Osaka and start screaming in Japanese "ZEPP OSAKA PLEASE!!!!" That oughtta do the job. I don't think Tool has an opening act during their 4-5 Japan shows, so hopefully they'll play a couple more songs than they normally would with an opening band.
3. Haven't been playing WoW a whole lot lately, but I'm enjoying the Burning Crusade expansion. It's tough levelling though, because I've been trying to level both my 60 priest and 60 warrior at the same time. On a positive note, I've found a really sweet Fel Iron Ore farming area and I made over 80g yesterday selling the bars in the Auction House. I just might save up for an epic mount for my warrior (my priest already has one). With the current prices of Fel Iron Bars in the AH, I just might have enough for my mount in a week or so.
4. Gonna head to Sannomiya (downtown Kobe) to talk to my travel agent after work today. I have to start looking for my flight home for Ronnie's wedding. It's another $2000, but really, it's gonna be a blast. Looking forward to that for sure.
5. It appears that girls are girls, wherever you go. And it also appears that I don't understand girls, wherever I go. I've sort of taken a liking to a JTE (Japanese Teacher of English) here at my school. She's really cool and her English is quite good (she studied at the University of Calgary for 4 years). The thing is, I'm not really sure how interested she is in me. Sometimes I think she's very interested, and other times I think not so much. I should just bite the bullet and ask her, plain and simple.
Well, I guess that's it for now. I should get back to work. I have to videotape 3 groups of students during 3rd period this morning. They have to give their opinions on the topic "High School students shouldn't have homework".