Sephy: Champagne Sadness ~ Chapter Two

Oct 03, 2012 22:18

Title: Sephy: Champagne Sadness
Pairings: ianthony
Rating/Warnings: pg, kind of aghasty, little swearing
Genre: Fantasy-like.
Summary: Ian has been struggling to control the demon inside him that has now awaken fully inside him.
Author's Notes: Um, I think this came out a bit corny, but you all will just have to deal with it. >:) And, i'm worried that the demon thing won't make sense to some people.. Oh well, it'll be explained in a later chapter.
Previous Chapters: 1

“But until he breaks through to you, I get to have a bit of fun with you.” The words rang through Anthonys head as he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Who- who are you? What happened to Ian?!” Anthony cries out, unable to take it all in. Has Ian really liked him all this time?! Why didn’t he see it before?

The monster-Ian laughs, clearly amused. “I am Ian, his other half of his soul, the sinful half. Having you constantly remind him of his sins and guilt over and over again eventually made him weak to me and tonight I finally took over. Simply put, I am Ian’s most secret desires that are deep down inside his heart.”

With that, Anthony tries to push away again, but Ian holds onto him even tighter and smashes his lips against his victims and forces his tongue inside. The surprised Anthony gagged and tried to turn his head away but to no anvil. The eager tongue lapped around his mouth as it explored the wet cave. Anthony gags but couldn’t do anything as his possessed friend continued to grope him.

“Ian,” Anthony cries as Ian starts sucking on his neck, unable to take it all. “You don’t want to do this!”

Ian carried on as if not hearing Anthony at all.

Anthony tried again, flinching as he felt Ian’s hands grope under his shirt and feel his nipples. “Ian, stop. Neither of us want this to happen, and I know you’ll regret it as soon as you wake up. Please, I’m begging you! I don’t know what’s up with you, but you’re not yourself. JUST COME BACK TO ME IAN.”

The Ian-like being laughs. “Ha, you really think that just words will make me see reason? Fat chance. I’m shall fuck you so bad until you’re screaming in pain. ”

“No Ian! You don’t want this!” Anthony was nearly crying now.

Something suddenly snapped in Ian. “Ant-Anthony?” Ian asked, his hands faltering and his eyes getting slightly lighter in shades of red and Anthony could see some kind of struggle in his eyes, controlling something deep within him. He suddenly pushes Anthony away, to Anthony’s shock. His red eyes glare straight at him.

“Please, Ian!”

“Ant.. ant.. ugh! N-no! Leave me alone! Can’t you see that I just want to be alone?!?” Ian cried, his head in his hands while being in some kind of internal conflict. “I’ve always been alone! I’ve managed just fine for years!”

“What? You’ve always had me, Ian.” Anthony spoke softy, his voice quivering.

“No! You never even noticed! You have never been here for me emotionally. I know that from your thoughts.”

“I-I’m sorry I never noticed Ian.” Anthony said quietly, ignoring how Ian could possibly be able to read his mind. “How long?”

“Since 9th grade, you jerk! You’ve hurt me more than I ever thought you would.”

“… I’m sorry Ian.” Anthony kept his eyes locked on the ground.

“Pshh, you keep saying that. Nothing will fix me now. I’ve been secretly depressed for years now and cutting also; you wanna know why? Because of you, Anthony Padilla. You were always up lost in your own little world to notice that I was hurting, your closest friend! You never saw the pain that was in my eyes for many years. You’re just a selfish bitch.”

“But, Ian! I’ve been trying to get you to tell me for weeks now!”

Yeah, maybe so, but only because you were worried about smosh, not actually me. I didn’t want to tell you because of that.” Ian snarled.

“Ian, I’m so sorry! Please, just listen to me!”

“No. Just. Leave. Me. Fucking. Alone. Now.”

Anthony did the first thing that came to mind, he stepped forward and before Ian had time to react, kissed him right smack on the mouth. Ian’s eyes widened, and he started to kiss back, obviously not being able to kiss the lips of the man he loved yet resented so much at the moment. Ian’s eyes then faded back to their normal blue before his eye lids closed and he slumped into Anthony’s arms, unconscious.

Tell what what you think! Please tell me I didn't totally fail with this. T_T


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