NaNoWriMo starts tonight at midnight, and I'm pretty excited and eager to start writing, all the more because, for the first time since 2005, I'm actually going to the kick-off party in Paris! :D (Now that I'm living only 1 hour from there, it'd be a shame not to go, right!)
In the meantime, in my attempt to 1) enjoy some more holiday time, and 2) repell the temptation to write, I'm having fun with TV Tropes again.
Lots of spoilerish stuff, but this story was never meant to end well anyway.
- Amplifier Artifact: The HMS Edinburgh's mass-destruction weapon. It's meant to amplify Clarick's power, not to create it out of nowhere. Yikes.
- Battle Couple: Aidan and Wilhelmina.
- BlingOfWar: The Chosen One's military uniforms are a deep, crimson red-so that people see them clearly. It's not like the enemy (the Devourers) have eyes to search for them anyway, so colours don't matter.
- Captain’s Log: The author plans on writing a few entries of such a log, just for fun.
- Cessation Of Existence: What happens to the victims of the Claricks...
- Cool Airship: The HMS Edinburgh.
- Crapsack World: The world in which the story is set. [Also known as Oblivion World, Otherworld, or Twin Reality.]
- Deadpan Snarker: Wolfram McAlexander.
- Death From Above: What the HMS Edinburgh brings.
- Final Solution: As ordered by the King.
- Four Star Badass: Aidan Clarick.
- Hero With Bad Publicity: What Aidan becomes at the end of the story.
- Heroic BSOD: Happens to Aidan at some point.
- Hive Mind: Dresca and the Devourers.
- I Have Your Wife: Charles Stuart, King of Britannia, when he tries to control Aidan by taking his family hostage.
- In The Blood: The Claricks, literally.
- Last Kiss: Mina and Aidan.
- Mama Bear: Wilhelmina, regarding the Edinburgh and her crew.
- Minovsky Particles: The hydroquintessence, used to fill the airships' balloons.
- Mismatched Eyes: The Soul Thief.
- My God What Have I Done: Aidan, at the very end.
- Never Got To Say Goodbye: Maybe Aidan and Mina (but this is yet to be decided).
- Person of Mass Destruction: Both Aidan and Wilhelmina have that potential power.
- Power Trio: Aidan (the Id), Mina (the Ego), Wolfram (the Superego). Or something to that extent.
- Royally Screwed Up: The Stuarts of Britannia are dangerously sliding on the slippery slope here.
- Say Your Prayers: What everybody does when the Edinburgh strikes.
- Sorry That I'm Dying: Mina.
- Technicolor Eyes: The Claricks (and every member of a similar Lineage, with the power of destruction) have eyes of a very particular colour, a kind of steel-blue, dark and with metallic reflections.
- Together In Death: Wolfram and Mina.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Wolfram/Mina, and possibly Wolfram/Aidan, too.
- You Are Not Alone: Wolfram and Wilhelmina.