Jul 07, 2005 22:44
The wind blew forcefully through the trees as a light rain began to whip itself viciously against the tall grass and bushes. Karasu slowly pushed himself up off the ground after waking up from a short rest. Moving up into the tree he had been lying against, he quickly pulled himself up onto a low branch that was sheltered by some leaves and twigs.
"My, my... temper temper..." he whispered softly under his breath as he turned his gaze towards the raging sky. Averting his gaze toward the ground, he allowed himself to rest against another set of branches as he slipped into a light train of meditation.
//When -is- this tournament going to start?// he wondered as he set all other thoughts aside and focused on one thing finding it rather hard to do so.
All in all... he was rather anxious to fight. To once again feel the sweet satisfaction of blood against his cold, pale skin... Not his blood, but the blood of anothers. To see another suffer. Such a beautiful feeling, it was.
He continued to meditate as the storm grew worse and worse...