Hey, there.
Well, lately, what has been disturbing me lately is how I have heard that the Arctic shall be used most likely for drilling oil.
The thing of the matter, is that it 'seems' that we would be doing this to reduce dependence on oil imports when in reality, that will hardly change at all if at all.
I have the following links and the phone number posted if you'd like to sign the petitions to prevent this:
http://www.johnkerry.com/petition/rollcall.php http://www.sierraclub.org/petition/arctic/ http://www.saveourenvironment.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item=13153 1-888-8-WILDAK
Before I go, an Alaskan told me this:
"Being an Alaskan, I'm very much against the drilling in ANWR. What people fail to understand is that Alaskan oil is sold to overseas companies and purchased back -- which still makes us reliant on foreign agencies for our oil.
Drilling ANWR will also jeopardize the Porcupine Caribou Herd, the largest herd of caribou in the state (with over 200k animals.)
I really hope that other people will take a good, long look into the issue instead of simply relying on what the oil moguls tell them."
Later. Thank you very much.